- Have you read a Kate Quinn novel before? How did The Diamond Eye compare?
- When you heard the thought "Don't Miss" what did it make you think about?
- What did you love about this novel?
- What were you a little "meh" about?
- Did you find yourself drawn to one character more than others?
- How did the Russian parallel to what is currently going on affect you while reading this?
- If you had read this a couple years ago: how do you think your experience with this novel would have been?
- What did you think of the park scene close to the end?
- Did anything shock you from that?
- Did you know much about the Roosevelts prior to this book? Elaborate how this story changed/confused/angered your prior knowledge
- Could you have done what Mila did? (this question rings throughout the book)
- Thoughts on how the media has improved since Madame Death arrived in America as an anomaly.
- If you could ask Kate Quinn ONE question what would it be? ;).
- Had you heard of Lady Death/Mila prior to this novel? Thoughts here.